Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Your Color Guide to Wedding Flowers

That's the cover feature of Bride's Magazine, Special Edition, Summer 2004. The magazine is 450 glossy pages long and costs $7.00. Did the editors actually consider that there might be somebody, somewhere in America who would glance at it and pass it over if they had left out the word color?

"But what if the pictures aren't in color?! I just can't take that risk again; I'm going with Weddingbells Magazine instead."

What's even more interesting is the lead-in, which reads: 20-Page Exclusive. Exclusive? Has Bride's Magazine really cornered the market on color guides to wedding flowers? I suppose it's possible. I've been really out of touch with the state of the industry for a long time now.

On a more somber note, the front page of the New York Times has this headline: Suicide Attack Kills at Least 22 in Kirkuk. I have this nagging suspicion that things aren't going as well in Iraq as our leaders would have us believe. It seems like almost everyday that the world is slapped in the face by some variation of this headline.

Donald Rumsfeld, ever the optimist, stated unequivocally that "the insurgency would be defeated." The only encouraging part of that statement is that he didn't call the insurgency "the evil-doers." So I guess there's some progress being made after all.

In America, if you're a real patriot, you get a 20-inch yellow-ribbon sticker with the words "Support Our Troops," which you're apparently supposed to put on your car, in as close proximity as possible to your wind-tattered nylon American flag. By the way, almost nothing screams Patriot at the Wheel! better than an exhaust-blackened nub of a flag that's been shredded by the elements.

Nothing, that is, except a giant sticker of an eagle carrying an apple pie that reads "PATRIOT AT THE WHEEL!" This hasn't been done yet, so I might be onto something...

Honestly, though, this is getting out of hand. Nobody is for their countrymen dying, but if you question the morality or legality of the war you are branded unpatriotic. I think it's patriotic to be unpatriotic right now, because if there wasn't dissent there'd be even more yellow ribbons everywhere, making us more intolerable in proportion.

So, the real question is which would you rather read about: Michael Jackson, or failure in Iraq? I think I'll stick to color guides to wedding flowers for the time-being.


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